Participants have been asked to attempt to stay within a social assistance benefits’ budget. The challenger’s budget of $63 for five days includes all food and drink, entertainment, some personal supplies and transportation costs. Each participant will be given a daily challenge card, which will reveal an additional challenge to be completed before the end of each day. The challenge takes place February 10th until February 15th, 2019.

Sunday, February 10, 2019

My challenge today: You lost one mitt. Spend the day without it.

I'm back from grocery shopping and am pretty proud of my purchases. I spent $41.70 on groceries plus $3.00 for gas. I have $18.30 left for the rest of this challenge.

So far I've eaten Apple Pie Oatmeal for breakfast (I substituted more oatmeal for wheatgerm) and hot lemon water. For lunch, I had scrambled eggs, carrots and dip, and water. Dinner will be a chicken breast (I cut up the whole chicken I bought today) and salad with Balsamic dressing, and a glass of water.

Fortunately today is the day I lost my mitt (and not tomorrow when I am outside with students for supervision). I have a lot of work to do, so I will be spending most of the day indoors. If I had lost my mitt on a day when I had to spend a lot of time outdoors, I would put my hand in my pocket or up my sleeve. I could also use a sock if I needed to use both of my hands for a long period of time outdoors!

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